Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bold Prediction

I had nothing to do this evening so i decided to make a prediction and wait and see what will happen, so here goes;

I think that in the near future, maybe before GW Bush's mandate expires maybe after, a terrorist act will unfortunately kill some innocent people somewhere in the states, it probably will be big, bigger than 9/11. The US will decide enough is enough we have to protect our interest's so lets invade/bomb into oblivion/annihilate/etc Iran. All that because some evidence, most likely planted, will most likely point to Persia, of course the western/new world order/NATO/etc will more than be happy to help to create that lie.

Now please keep in mind that this is nothing but a prediction, pure speculation based on past events that shaped, by use of force and absolute bashing of international laws, this world. I just posted this cause i wanna be able to say one day that, kosovo then Irak, were only a prelude for the big one. This will be my proof. Oh yeah, thank you for witnessing it all

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